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JUNO Creator & Chief Trainer

Synthia Stoffer

"I want to create a safer world for women."

JUNO founder Synthia Stoffer was the first female Krav Maga instructor in the Netherlands in 2005. After a career as competitive swimmer, Synthia made short excursions into Free Fighting and Boxing until she found what she was really looking for: Krav Maga (Hebrew for "contact fight") a sport that would enable people to defend themselves regardless of gender, height or strength. Synthia was trained in Israel, Switzerland and the United States. Today, she is one of very few women worldwide to hold a 3rd degree Black Belt, and she is the highest ranked women in Krav Maga in Europe.

“Not that many women have the determination and strengths to go this far in a Martial Art. Usually at this level its all men. To have any woman involved at this level is impressive…and if that women is then also extraordinary good that’s even more impressive…and that’s Synthia” (John Whitman, Founder of Krav Maga Alliance/ U.S.).

The fact that women are attacked differently than men requires a new approach to common Women Self Defense Training. The female psychology works different, we are raised differently and therefore we need to defend ourselves in different ways. JUNO is a unique combination of mental & physical Self Defense training. More than just physical combat moves, it’s a holistic approach that trains body, mind and emotions”.

Key Facts:

  • Synthia achieved her 3rd degree Black Belt in March 2017.

  • She created JUNO in January 2017 and set up the biggest Self Defese Center in Central Netherlands in same year. The only one run by a woman.

  • Synthia is Member of the Elite International Krav Maga Alliance Trainer team since 2014 and certified by the Wingate Institute, Israel.

  • In September 2017 Synthia has won the "Power Woman of the Year" award by Dutch magazine VIVA400.

    More info:


JUNO oprichter & hoofd trainer

Synthia Stoffer

"Het is beter om de vaardigheden te beheersen en ze niet nodig te hebben dan andersom.”

JUNO oprichter Synthia Stoffer was in 2005 de allereerste vrouwelijke Krav Maga instructeur in Nederland. Na een carrière als wedstrijdzwemster maakte Synthia uitstapjes naar Free Fighting en boksen, totdat zij haar roeping vond: Krav Maga (Hebreeuws voor ‘contact gevecht’) een methode waarmee iedereen zich kan verdedigen ongeacht geslacht, leeftijd, lengte of kracht.

Synthia is opgeleid in Israël, Zwitserland en de Verenigde Staten. Zij is nu één van de weinige vrouwen ter wereld met een 3de Zwarte Band Krav Maga. Ook heeft zij de hoogste kwalificatie Krav Maga van vrouwen in Europa.

Weinig vrouwen hebben de vastberadenheid en kracht om zo ver te komen in een Martial Art. Op dit niveau zijn het bijna alleen maar mannen. En dan een vrouw tegenkomen die zo bijzonder goed is, dan is dat heel indrukwekkend… Synthia is zo’n vrouw. (John Whitman, oprichter vande Krav Maga Alliance in de V.S.).

Synthia weet dat ongewenste intimiteiten en seksueel geweld iedereen kunnen overkomen. Niemand vraagt erom. Vrouwen worden op andere manieren aangevallen dan mannen. In 2017 heeft JUNO ontworpen, een nieuw zelfverdedigingssysteem voor vrouwen, gebaseerd op Krav Maga. 

Meer informatie:


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Co-Founder & brand catalyst

Eva Sutter

“If we don't put ourselve in challenging situations, we don't see what we're capable of'‘.

Eva is an internationally experienced marketing professional who thrives on building brands with a deeper purpose.

With a passion for sports and a wealth of experience having worked for global sporting good and consumer electronic brands, Eva joined forces with her partner Synthia in 2016 to bring JUNO to market.

“When I met Synthia, I had no idea of what Krav Maga was and the thought of traditional women self defense brought up images of victimized women, scary dark photos and dull classes lectured by men in old fashioned gyms. Immediately, I was fascinated by Synthia’s idea to build a new program for women powered by women that would focus on the positive strength and mental self-awareness in a new and inspiring way. I had no idea how rewarding this work would be. Bringing JUNO to life is one of the most meaningful things I’ve ever done in my career.”


Co-Founder & brand catalyst

Eva Sutter

“If we don't put ourselves in challenging situations, we don't see what we're capable of'‘.

Eva is an internationally experienced marketing professional who thrives on building brands with a deeper purpose.

With a passion for sports and a wealth of experience having worked for global sporting good and consumer electronic brands, Eva joined forces with her partner Synthia in 2016 to bring JUNO to market.

“When I met Synthia, I had no idea of what Krav Maga was and the thought of traditional women self defense brought up images of victimized women, scary dark photos and dull classes lectured by men in old fashioned gyms. Immediately, I was fascinated by Synthia’s idea to build a new program for women powered by women that would focus on the positive strength and mental self-awareness in a new and inspiring way. I had no idea how rewarding this work would be. Bringing JUNO to life is one of the most meaningful things I’ve ever done in my career.”
